Innovative industrial projects.

Industrial engineering projects focus on the design and development of a series of products of the industrial field in any of its variants. They are usually complex and require permanent supervision of those who are in the middle and high levels of their management.

It is common that, if you think of industrial projects, great works come to mind that influence entire regions or countries. However, it is not necessary to look at these scenarios.

It is enough to design a machine or a series of artifacts that have application in the industrial plane. In fact, industrial projects are not just about innovation and invention; also, and above all, there are examples of projects that seek to cover needs, sophisticated or basic, through the design of a series of joint and coordinated actions.

Innovational projects

The realization of fairs and events in charge of presenting some of the most innovative industrial projects is increasingly frequent. However, not all types of projects are disclosed in these types of situations.

We are specialists in satisfying the highest requirements of our clients through a modern and exclusive service model that is based on four fundamental pillars:

• Technology.
• Operations.
• Work team.
• Customer needs.

Thus providing various business units, to fully meet the needs of our customers, such as:

• Engineering, Construction, and Assembly.
• Maestranza.
• Maintenance services.
• Machinery and equipment.

Our services are focused on assisting potential clients in Punta Technology Projects, which forces us to have, for the proper performance of these functions, the Infrastructure and a Highly Qualified Personnel necessary to provide an optimal service in the different specialties.

We have support service to the operation in de lixiviation plants, solvent extraction, electro position plants, and boarding yards.


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