The drones under construction opens a promising horizon

Expert opinions suggest that the use of drones will be widespread, at least in the medium term.

The main reasons that would justify the use of drones in construction are diverse. First, because of its potential to plan, promote or market new works or projects. For example, using virtual reality techniques and 3D digital models, it is possible to reproduce the integration of a project in the built environment or the views that would be had from a window or viewpoint of a new building.

From the strictly constructive point of view, the use of drones will allow better monitoring of the works, both from the point of view of the progress of the works and the inspection of the work units, the logistics of the works or the suitability of Occupational safety and health measures.

Finally and no less important are the applications that can be carried out by combining the capabilities of drones with other technologies such as digital manufacturing, BIM (Building Information Models) and new construction materials, for example, and especially for the construction of the skyscrapers of the future.

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• Technology.
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• Customer needs.

Thus providing various business units, to fully meet the needs of our customers, such as:

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• Maestranza.
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Our services are focused on assisting potential clients in Punta Technology Projects, which forces us to have, for the proper performance of these functions, the Infrastructure and a Highly Qualified Personnel necessary to provide an optimal service in the different specialties.

We have support service to the operation in de lixiviation plants, solvent extraction, electro position plants, and boarding yards.


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